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Tennessee Puppy Mill Abuse Case Justice
We Continue to Practice Meowing
What's "Wrong" with wearing fur?

Response to an Anonymous Letter


Our quarterly newsletter recently went out, along with a Bakeless Sale letter and return envelope.  One of the articles about https://experience.tripster.ru/experience/Penza/sights/ in the newsletter was from a lady who rescued two sick kitties from a bad situation. She contacted Save-A-Pet and we took them into our program with her as the foster home.  The kittens have recovered from the terrible conditions they were in and have since become therapy cats for The Dale Association and Niagara Hospice.  The kind lady who rescued them wanted to take the all of the kittens, but was told that the rest were needed to eat mice in the barn.  What a life for these poor creatures, no vet care, no spay/neuter and possible death at an early age either from the road, coyotes or disease, to name a few.

This article is to explain our position and clarify some things that weren’t included in her article.  This is especially directed at the person who used the Bakeless Sale envelope to mail an anonymous message chastising us for not reporting the situation these kittens came from, along with the message, SHAME ON YOU.  Well, the rest of the story is that YES, IT WAS REPORTED TO THE SPCA.  When they went to investigate, the man said they weren’t their cats and wouldn’t allow the SPCA on the property.  The last that we knew was that they were going to be cited for no rabies shots, which is apparently all the SPCA was allowed to do.

Believe us when we say that we hear and see such disturbing things all the time.  We rescue as many as we can without breaking the law and are heartbroken and feel helpless sometimes when the law isn’t enforced as far as animal welfare.  Maybe if the general public, who is also as outraged by animal abuse and neglect, would contact the authorities, congressmen, mayor, sheriff or anyone who is in a position to do something, these kinds of tragedies would stop happening.  We have reported situations, agonized over them and many times removed animals that have been abandoned in the most horrendous situations. But WE NEED YOU, to also feel the frustration, sadness and despair when it seems that we are the only ones who care.  SAVE-A-PET is an all volunteer group, who fosters abandoned, lost or abused dogs and cats in our own homes.  We give them love, sometimes for the first time in their lives, veterinary care, including spay/neuter and a chance to be adopted into a loving, forever home.

Patricia Swick (Cat Officer)

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We Continue to Practice Meowing
by Debbie Keller

Thank you to all who have expressed concern, outrage, sympathy and even gifts regarding  Sergio. 

I continue to try and educate the public concerning the deep, documented connection between animal abuse, cruelty or neglect and violence against people.  If you are reading this, you must be the venue of information for those who are not interested in animals or their abuse.  Be armed with information, don't proselytize...

 Psychiatric information is clear:  if a human tortures or abuses an animal, there is a 71-100% chance he/she will be violent against people.  Albert Desalvo, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, David Berkowitz, Charles Manson, Henry Lee Lucas, DC area sniper, Lee Boyd Malvo, students Eric Harris, Dylan Klefold (Colorado), Andrew Golden (Arkansas, and Luke Woodham (Mississippi), and even local cases all share a common history of killing, torturing or abusing animals before moving on to humans.  This warning beacon has been blinding us for decades, and needs to be taken seriously by law enforcement, especially judges.  Cruelty is a transgression, never a  benign case of "kids will be kids". 
A study of 111 battered women (published in the February 2000 Violence Against Women) found that half of their abusive partners threatened or abused their animals.  85% of women taking refuge in shelters reported similar incidents of animal violence.  This abuse is tied with demonstrating "contol" over the victims.  It has taken years for the courts to view this violence against women and  children as a crime, not a "family issue". 
Sadly, we still classify most animal cruelty as a misdemeanor, with light fines or probation. NY state has passed "Busters Law" that gives judges power to imprison and fine convicted abusers.  Our judicial system, fueled by the voters, must demand that the existing laws are enforced.  Even after Busters Law was in effect, a case in Orleans county where many dead animals and more emaciated and neglected animals were confiscated,  only got the convicted woman 6 months of "not owning any animals."  According to local animal patrol, she already has a house full, breeding again.
I urge NY to follow the lead of Arizona, as a man was sentenced to 18 months in prison inder their new felony animals cruelty law. Laws are meaningless unless they are ENFORCED. 
Again, we must let our lawmakers and enforcers know what is now common knowledge about animal abuse. .  Write letters!  Call your representatives.  Make NY a safer place for humans and our non-human companions.

Tennessee Judge Slam-Dunks Puppy Mill Owners

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (USA) - Last week, The Commercial Appeal reported on a recent Tennessee Court ruling that was "worthy of a standing ovation."

Animal cruelty doesn't always require baseball bats and knives. If you've ever heard the phrase "puppy mill", you know what I'm talking about. Last week, an animal cruelty conviction was upheld by Judge Alan Glenn, rebuking the appeal of a couple from Humboldt who had bred and kept as many as 350 dogs sick and starving in filthy kennels.

Not only did Judge Glenn deal very sternly with the offenders, he delivered an excellent oratory that ought to be framed above the door of every court that handles animal abuse cases. He said: "The Court finds that Judy Fay Johnson and Stanley Paul Johnson have been found guilty of 11 counts of cruelty to animals. Bonds are set at $1,000 in each of the 11 counts, which was done by a jury of good and lawful citizens of Gibson County. 

"Over 350 puppies and dogs were victims of this gross violation of the law. The victims of this crime were animals that could not speak up to the unbelievable conduct of Judy Fay Johnson and Stanley Paul Johnson that they suffered. Several of the dogs have died and most had physical problems such as intestinal worms, mange, eye problems, dental problems and emotional problems and socialization problems.

"Since dogs have entered domestic service of human beings, they have given solace and companionship when needed. They have helped hunt, guard flocks, and in ice and snow have pulled sleds.

"They have rescued people when lost in snowdrifts. They act as police in sniffing out crimes, and they become eyes for those who cannot see. They guard homes and possessions. All this, these creatures do for kind, humane treatment.

"Watching this video of the conditions that these dogs were subjected to was one of the most deplorable things this Court has observed in the 22 years in the course of being on the bench. "And though, Judy Fay Johnson, you urge this Court to take into consideration the mitigating factors that you've been sick up to two years prior to them being rescued from your care. You say you've been sick. You talked about reducing the population, but the only thing you did was sell puppies.

"The Court finds that you have a previous history of criminal convictions or criminal behavior, that the offense involved more than one victim, that the victims were particularly vulnerable, that you
have a previous history of unwillingness to comply with conditions of a sentence involving release into the community, and that you abused the position of public or private trust.

"The Court further finds that you were charged with this exact same charge in 1993, and after a period of probation, the matter was dismissed.

"Judy Fay Johnson, you're sentenced to 11 months and 29 days in each of the 11 counts of cruelty to animals. These will be run concurrent. Further, this Court finds that probation would not serve the ends of justice, nor be in the best interest of the public, nor would this have a deterrent effect for such gross behavior.

"Therefore, you, Judy Fay Johnson, shall serve six months of your sentence on condition that you make restitution to the Dyersburg Humane Society for $3,242 for the expenses involved in freeing those dogs from their purgatory and your payment of the fine and costs in full. You are further prohibited from ever running or owning any animal kennel or owning any animal as a pet.

"Stanley Johnson, the Court finds that your offenses involve more than one victim. The victims were particularly vulnerable. You treated the victims with exceptional cruelty. You abused the position of public or private trust. You were charged with the exact same charge in 1993 that after a period of probation was dismissed.

"You are sentenced to 11 months and 29 days in each of the 11 counts. . . . You shall serve 90 days of your sentence on condition that $3,242 be paid to the Dyersburg Humane Society for the expenses involved in removing the helpless dogs from your custody. You are further prohibited from ever running or owning any animal kennel or owning any animal as a pet.

"There are those who would argue that you should be confined in a house trailer with no ventilation or in a cell three-by-seven with eight or ten other inmates with no plumbing, no exercise and no opportunity to feel the sun or smell fresh air. However, the courts of this land have held that such treatment is cruel and inhuman, and it is.

"You will not be treated in the same way that you treated these helpless animals that you abused to make a dollar."

What's Wrong with Wearing Fur?

When someone—anyone—asks you what's wrong with wearing fur, please tell him or her: everything! 
There is not a single federal law that protects animals killed for fur in the U.S. This means that fur farmers get away with cramming minks, foxes, raccoons, and chinchillas into tiny, filthy wire cages—where they stay for months or years, unable to run or play or enjoy any freedom, family, or friendship. They are commonly exposed to snow and sleet in winter and scorching heat in summer and fed slop instead of proper food. They are denied water, and they are killed in frightening and painful ways. Animals raised for fur suffer poisoning, gassing, neck-breaking, and anal electrocution.

To get "wild fur," trappers set metal traps to catch lynx, rabbits, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, and wolves and leave them in traps to suffer for days—in all types of weather. The animals grow increasingly hungry and thirsty before some trappers even try to kill them by jumping on their chests. Many are skinned alive.

Dogs and cats are killed for their fur—especially for fur collars, hood trims, glove linings, and the like. An undercover investigation into the Chinese fur trade revealed unimaginable cruelty. Millions of dogs and cats are bludgeoned, boiled, strangled with wire nooses, and bled to death before they are skinned for their fur. Imagine if your dog or cat were stolen and killed to be made into fur trinkets or fur trim for American consumers! It's horrifying, yet it happens.

The fact that it is illegal to import dog or cat fur into the U.S. hasn't stopped this part of the fur trade. The garments are simply mislabeled—marked as fox, raccoon, or some  other species. China supplies more than half of the finished fur garments that end up on clothing racks in the United States.

If someone buys any fur whatsoever—even the tiniest scrap—he or she could be wearing a mistreated, stolen or raised- to- kill dog or a cat. Either way, the consumer is wearing the remains of an animal who was tortured. 

 People ask me why it is not ok to wear fur. Every fur coat, lining, or trim represents the immense suffering of several dozen animals—including "trash catch" like dogs and opossums—and is made from the damaged skins of animals who struggled when someone tried to insert electric wires into their genitals. That's right, several dozen—just for one garment,  including the heart-wrenching practice of "culling"(beating to death in front of the mother) baby seals in Canada.

With so many alternatives available to consumers, why would anyone wear fur? Why would any thinking person perpetuate the abuse and murder of millions of dogs, cats, foxes, minks, chinchillas, raccoons, and other creatures?